Office Water Services

Office Water Services: Choosing the Best Solution for Your Workplace

Providing your employees with access to clean, fresh water is essential for maintaining a healthy and productive work environment. Office water services offer various solutions to cater to your workplace’s hydration needs. In this ultimate guide, we will explore different types of office water services and help you choose the best option for your workplace.

Benefits of Office Water Services

Before diving into the various types of office water services, let’s first discuss the benefits of providing water solutions at your workplace:

Improved Employee Health:

Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. Offering easy access to water encourages employees to drink more, leading to better health and reduced absenteeism.

Increased Productivity:

Proper hydration is linked to better concentration, focus, and cognitive function, which can result in increased productivity among employees.

Enhanced Employee Satisfaction:

Providing high-quality water services can contribute to higher employee satisfaction, as it demonstrates that the company values their health and comfort.


Some office water solutions help reduce plastic waste by eliminating the need for single-use plastic bottles.


Types of Office Water Services

There are several types of office water services available, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a closer look at some popular options:

Bottled Water Delivery

Bottled water delivery services provide large water bottles (usually 3-5 gallons) that can be placed on a water cooler or dispenser. This service is a convenient solution for providing fresh water to your employees.


  • Easy to set up
  • Regular delivery ensures a consistent water supply
  • Various types of water available (spring, purified, mineral, etc.)


  • Can be more expensive than other options
  • Environmental impact due to plastic waste
  • Takes up storage space for water bottles

Plumbed-In Water Coolers

Plumbed-in water coolers connect directly to your building’s water supply, providing an endless supply of filtered water. These coolers often include features such as hot and cold water dispensing and built-in filtration systems.


  • Cost-effective in the long run
  • No need to store and replace water bottles
  • Continuous water supply


  • Professional installation required
  • Limited to the location of water lines
  • Periodic maintenance and filter replacement needed

Point-of-Use Water Dispensers

Point-of-use water dispensers are similar to plumbed-in water coolers, but they can be installed at multiple locations throughout your office. These dispensers often include advanced filtration systems, hot and cold water options, and even sparkling water features.


  • Flexible installation options
  • Advanced filtration and water options
  • No need for water bottle storage


  • Higher upfront cost than bottled water services
  • Professional installation and maintenance required
  • Limited by the availability of water lines

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Office Water Service

When selecting the best office water service for your workplace, consider the following factors:

  • Budget: Determine your budget for office water services and compare the ongoing costs of each option.
  • Office size and layout: Consider the size and layout of your office, as well as the number of employees. This can help you decide whether a centralized water service or multiple point-of-use dispensers are more suitable.
  • Water quality: Investigate the water quality in your area and choose a service that offers appropriate filtration to ensure clean, great-tasting water.
  • Environmental impact: If sustainability is a priority, opt for a water service that minimizes plastic waste and promotes eco-friendly practices.
  • Installation and maintenance: Consider the installation and maintenance requirements of each option. Some services may require professional installation and regular maintenance, which can add to the overall cost.
  • Additional features: Take into account any additional features that may be important to your employees, such as hot water for tea or coffee, cold water for refreshments, and sparkling water options.
80% of Consumers Who Don’t Compare Prices Overpay Branded

Tips for Choosing the Best Office Water Service

To get the most out of your office water service, it is vital to choose a service that best suits your needs. To help you make the right decision for your workplace, keep these tips in mind:

Survey your Employees

Gauge your employees’ preferences and needs when it comes to office water services. Their input can help you identify the most important features and narrow down your options.

Research Local Providers

Research local office water service providers and compare their offerings, prices, and customer reviews to find the best fit for your workplace.

Request Quotes and Compare

Obtain quotes from multiple providers based on your specific requirements. Compare the quotes, taking into account the services offered, ongoing costs, installation fees, and any additional features.

Consider a Trial Period

If possible, opt for a trial period before committing to a long-term contract. This will allow you to evaluate the service and make adjustments if necessary.

Choosing the right office water service is essential for maintaining a healthy and productive work environment. By considering factors such as budget, office size, water quality, environmental impact, and additional features, you can select the most suitable solution for your workplace. Don’t forget to involve your employees in the decision-making process, as their preferences and needs play a crucial role in ensuring a successful implementation of your chosen water service. With the right office water solution in place, you’ll be promoting employee health, satisfaction, and productivity while contributing to a more sustainable future.

The Cost of Hiring an Office Water Service

Understanding the costs associated with hiring an office water service is essential for making an informed decision that fits within your budget. Here, we will discuss the various factors that influence the cost of office water services and provide some average price ranges.

Initial Setup and Installation Costs

When hiring an office water service, there are initial setup and installation costs to consider. These can vary depending on the type of water service you choose. For example:

  • Bottled water delivery: There may be a minimal setup fee for renting or purchasing the water cooler, typically ranging from $50 to $200.
  • Plumbed-in water coolers and point-of-use dispensers: These options require professional installation, which can cost between $100 and $500, depending on the complexity of the setup.

Ongoing Costs

The ongoing costs of office water services are typically based on factors such as the amount of water consumed, the type of service, and any additional features. Here’s a general breakdown of the ongoing costs for each type of service:

  • Bottled water delivery: The cost of bottled water delivery is usually determined by the number of water bottles consumed. On average, a 5-gallon bottle of water can cost between $5 and $8, with additional fees for delivery and rental of the cooler. Keep in mind that the frequency of delivery can also impact the overall cost.
  • Plumbed-in water coolers and point-of-use dispensers: These options usually have a fixed monthly or annual fee, which covers maintenance, filter replacement, and rental or financing of the equipment. The cost can range from $20 to $100 per month, depending on the features and quality of the system.

Additional Costs

When budgeting for an office water service, it’s essential to consider any additional costs that may be associated with your chosen option. For example:

  • Filter replacements: If your water service includes a filtration system, you’ll need to replace the filters periodically. The cost of filter replacements can range from $20 to $100 per year, depending on the type of filter and frequency of replacement.
  • Maintenance and repairs: Regular maintenance and occasional repairs may be necessary to keep your water service running smoothly. Some providers include maintenance in their service fees, while others may charge extra for these services.
  • Equipment upgrades: As your business grows, you may need to upgrade your water service equipment to accommodate increased demand. Keep in mind that this may result in additional costs.

The cost of hiring an office water service can vary widely depending on the type of service, installation requirements, and ongoing usage. By understanding the costs associated with each option, you can make an informed decision that fits your budget and meets your workplace’s hydration needs. Remember to take into account not only the initial setup and installation costs but also the ongoing costs and any additional fees for maintenance and upgrades. Investing in a reliable office water service is an essential step toward promoting employee health, productivity, and satisfaction in your workplace.

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